
Into the Memory Hole

Despatches from the "world of lies"

I wrote my last article for History in the Making in December 2022 - about 6 months ago. Since then I have been silent. The reason is simple. I could think of nothing else to write, so I stopped.

Instead I retraced my steps and re-read everything again. I did the same with Na Seascaidí. During the 3 years I was writing both blogs the world changed dramatically and, I believe, permanently. Throughout that time I tried to make sense of all that was happening around me. I think the articles I produced helped me – I can’t speak for anyone else.

I have now packaged Na Seascaidí and History in the Making into a single volume - a good old-fashioned book - called Into the Memory Hole. I have made a few changes, but the articles (or “despatches”) are pretty much the same, i.e. a mix of autobiography, history, and my own speculation.

Into the Memory Hole is available in both hard copy and digital formats. The print version is inevitably more expensive. But some online retailers are cheaper than others, so I advise shopping around if you would like to get the hard copy, which I hope you will. Try here first.

It should be possible to download a digital copy (pdf only) for next-to-nothing (or even nothing). So if you decide to buy the printed book, why not download it as well? It cannot offer the tactile pleasures of a real book, but it should make word searches a lot easier. So get both if you can.

Into the Memory Hole might well end up in a library near you, in which case you could possibly borrow it for free. And of course the original articles are available online – for the time being anyway.

I should say that, if you do decide to part with any money for my book, nothing will come to me. The printers and retailers must cover their costs but I have set the price to exclude any royalties for yours truly.

Finally, thank you for your support over the last few years, and for reading this message.

Whether or not you get my book, I hope you enjoy watching the short video linked here. It is also available on my YouTube channel.

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