I am English but I do remember being surprised that smoking in pubs was banned in Ireland. We followed that example.

At least here we later voted to LEAVE the EU but that seems to have been meaningless in the global push to a one world government.

The metaverse is a global project and from Killarney to Kingston we will all be trapped in the Matrix. Matrix comes from the word Maya which means illusion but technology means we really will be in an open digital prison! Unless of course we see and speak the truth.

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Yes I would have leant towards the Brexit side if I were living in Britain. But after 2020 I'm not sure it matters if the tyrants are in London or Brussels. How quickly things change!

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Excellent and quite true . However remember that the die hard republicans(anti treaty in civil war ) detested De Valera despite that brilliant constitution . After he had George Plant and other prominent IRA men assassinated in Portlaoise prison when he became Taoiseach . All his anti Treaty friends turned away from him . My great aunts snubbed him at their mother Mary Barry’s funeral in 1953. Fair play to them … snubbing a Taoiseach . I’d do the same to Harris

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I have no great liking or dislike of de Valera. I seem to be in a small minority though. Whenever I have written about him it arouses either fierce adoration or outright disdain. No half measures with Dev!

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Although it appeared black and white, it was never so. De Valera was detested by those who continued to dream of a Republic of the whole of Ireland, and yet he was the one who birthed that Republic and that constitution in 1937. He was also unpopular in our family because he hid out in the family home in Hacketstown, where they had a secret hideout room but he was too tall to fit into it so they gave him another room. He wanted his boots polished every morning. He walked out in the evenings dressed as a woman in a wig, hat and frock. They had a scout in the ditch called Molloy who wasn't the brightest penny.

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Thanks JP for the history lesson , I am learning as I go here, I guess I have a dream that John Waters and his kind of calibre will surprise the combine and get elected and that under their passion and integrity we will start the long road of reclaiming Irelands sovereignty. I joined twitter lol and have one follower but I put it up there along with John and Una in Tuam .

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First of all thanks for the plug on Twitter. I am there myself but I post hardly anything. Secondly I agree with every word you write about John W and the forthcoming election.

That might seem strange when I won't be voting at all in that or any other election/ referendum. But John needs to demonstrate to the Combine that he has the backing of the people in whatever forum he and and it meet in. That could be in Brussels or indeed anywhere. He will be on the Combine's turf and they will take him seriously when they see the backing he has.

This is me talking not John. I'd say he would see things quite differently to me. I think he will get a seat but even if he doesn't, between this and the next general election here he will show the Combine that he is not to be messed with.

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To be honest I don't want to vote but now that John is running I must and also I have two ten foot banners coming tomorrow with Vote no1 John Waters for the n7 main road . Hopefully they will let enough people know that John is standing. What else can we do.

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